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C Sharp Mac Os

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When working with C# and.NET in a Xamarin.Mac application, you have access to the same user interface controls that a developer working in Objective-C and Xcode does. Because Xamarin.Mac integrates directly with Xcode, you can use Xcode's Interface Builder to create and maintain your user interfaces (or optionally create them directly in C# code). In April 2017, Microsoft released Visual Studio for Mac. Visual Studio Community is free for students, open-source and individual developers. It supports development of the following: Mobile with.NET: Android, iOS, tvOS, watchOS; Mac desktop apps.NET applications (in C# and F# by default) ASP.NET Web applications; Cross-platform Unity games. When working with C# and.NET in a Xamarin.Mac application, you have access to the same user interface controls that a developer working in Objective-C and Xcode does. Because Xamarin.Mac integrates directly with Xcode, you can use Xcode's Interface Builder to create and maintain your user interfaces (or optionally create them directly in C# code). Next year, there are rumblings Xamarin Forms will support Mac OS/Linux. That will make it runnable on iOS/Android/Windows 10/Mac/Linux. It's very expensive, so it's not very popular.NET Standard is a new way to define 'a CLR' for Microsoft.NET Core is 'a new CLR' for Microsoft that runs on Windows/Linux/Mac.

November 28th, 2015

While working on the C# exercises from,I noticed that the getting started documentationwas light on specific setup procedures for Xamarin Studio and OS X(at least compared to the adjacent set of Visual Studio instructions).Here is a workflow that works for me:

C Sharp Mac Os

Installing Xamarin Studio

Follow the link from thegetting started guideto download Xamarin Studio .The default options of the installation wizard are sufficient for installing the app.

Creating A New Solution

After starting up Xamarin Studio, there is a dialog for creating a 'New Solution…'.The following template settings will work with the NUnit tests provided by each exercise:

  • Other > .NET
  • General > NUnit Library Project (C#)

Next, these were the settings I used in 'Configure your new Project':

  • Project Name: leap
  • Solution Name: csharp
  • Location: [your path here]/exercism
  • [Enabled] Create a project within the solution directory

Akai eie pro driver mac sierra. This will create a project directory inside the 'exercism' folder which mimics the directory structure of exercism/csharp.Along these lines, the initial project 'leap' corresponds with the first C# exercise.Subsequent exercises are then managed as additional projects under this same 'csharp' solution.

Note that the 'Version Control' settings optional here.I personally use the GitHub desktop client to manage the source code for mysubmissions,and the example .gitignore file was useful for that setup.I also prefer to place the Xamarin project in a separate location from my exercism install,to allow rolling back any unsuccessful experiments with the project setup.

Working With The First Exercise

C Sharp Microsoft Docs

By this point, a solution called 'csharp' will have been created,with an initial project called 'leap'.To initiate the exercise,I copy over the 'LeapTest.cs' unit tests from exercism to my 'leap' project folder.I also add the file's location to the 'leap' project:

  • Right click on the 'leap' project under the 'csharp' solution explorer.
  • Add > Add Files …
  • Select 'LeapTest.cs'

At this point, you can also remove the unused 'Test.cs' unit test file from the project.

If you hit the 'Run All' button under the 'Unit Tests' menu,you should see failing test cases because of the missing implementation code.In response, these were the options I chose for creating a 'New File…':

  • General > Empty Class (C#)
  • Name: Leap

This creates a file called 'Leap.cs' where the exercise implementation can be written.

Creating Projects For The Next Exercises

After submitting the solution for the 'leap' exercise,the 'bob' exercise is fetched next from exercism.To create the corresponding project under the 'csharp' solution:

  • Right click on 'csharp' under the solution explorer
  • Add > Add New Project…
  • Other > .NET
  • General > NUnit Library Project (C#)

C Sharp Mac Os 10.13

Under 'Configure your new project', the 'Project Name:' can be set to the name of the next exercise (bob).

This process of copying over the unit tests, creating an implementation file, and solving the exercise can then be repeated for as many exercises attempted.


Like this post, or would like to discuss it on some sort of forum?Feel free to post it on your favorite social media site (HN, Reddit,, etc), and to send me the link!I promise to relink the discussion thread from this post, and to upvote your submission.It'll be win-win: you'll rake in the sweet-sweet karma/points/upvotes,and I won't need to worry about hunting spam-bots in an otherwise empty Disqus thread.

In this section you will create two simple C# projects. One of them will perform basic Insert, Update, Delete, and Select, while the second one will make use of Entity Framework Core, a popular object relational mapping (ORM) framework for .NET Core to execute the same operations.

Step 2.1 Create a C# app that connects to SQL Server and executes queries

Change to your home directory. Create a new .NET Core project. This will create the project directory with a basic .NET Core Program.cs and csproj file.

You should already have a file called SqlServerSample.csproj in your .NET Core project located at: ~/SqlServerSample

Open this file in your favorite text editor and replace the contents with the code below to add System.Data.SqlClient to your project. Save and close the file.

C Sharp Mac Os

Installing Xamarin Studio

Follow the link from thegetting started guideto download Xamarin Studio .The default options of the installation wizard are sufficient for installing the app.

Creating A New Solution

After starting up Xamarin Studio, there is a dialog for creating a 'New Solution…'.The following template settings will work with the NUnit tests provided by each exercise:

  • Other > .NET
  • General > NUnit Library Project (C#)

Next, these were the settings I used in 'Configure your new Project':

  • Project Name: leap
  • Solution Name: csharp
  • Location: [your path here]/exercism
  • [Enabled] Create a project within the solution directory

Akai eie pro driver mac sierra. This will create a project directory inside the 'exercism' folder which mimics the directory structure of exercism/csharp.Along these lines, the initial project 'leap' corresponds with the first C# exercise.Subsequent exercises are then managed as additional projects under this same 'csharp' solution.

Note that the 'Version Control' settings optional here.I personally use the GitHub desktop client to manage the source code for mysubmissions,and the example .gitignore file was useful for that setup.I also prefer to place the Xamarin project in a separate location from my exercism install,to allow rolling back any unsuccessful experiments with the project setup.

Working With The First Exercise

C Sharp Microsoft Docs

By this point, a solution called 'csharp' will have been created,with an initial project called 'leap'.To initiate the exercise,I copy over the 'LeapTest.cs' unit tests from exercism to my 'leap' project folder.I also add the file's location to the 'leap' project:

  • Right click on the 'leap' project under the 'csharp' solution explorer.
  • Add > Add Files …
  • Select 'LeapTest.cs'

At this point, you can also remove the unused 'Test.cs' unit test file from the project.

If you hit the 'Run All' button under the 'Unit Tests' menu,you should see failing test cases because of the missing implementation code.In response, these were the options I chose for creating a 'New File…':

  • General > Empty Class (C#)
  • Name: Leap

This creates a file called 'Leap.cs' where the exercise implementation can be written.

Creating Projects For The Next Exercises

After submitting the solution for the 'leap' exercise,the 'bob' exercise is fetched next from exercism.To create the corresponding project under the 'csharp' solution:

  • Right click on 'csharp' under the solution explorer
  • Add > Add New Project…
  • Other > .NET
  • General > NUnit Library Project (C#)

C Sharp Mac Os 10.13

Under 'Configure your new project', the 'Project Name:' can be set to the name of the next exercise (bob).

This process of copying over the unit tests, creating an implementation file, and solving the exercise can then be repeated for as many exercises attempted.


Like this post, or would like to discuss it on some sort of forum?Feel free to post it on your favorite social media site (HN, Reddit,, etc), and to send me the link!I promise to relink the discussion thread from this post, and to upvote your submission.It'll be win-win: you'll rake in the sweet-sweet karma/points/upvotes,and I won't need to worry about hunting spam-bots in an otherwise empty Disqus thread.

In this section you will create two simple C# projects. One of them will perform basic Insert, Update, Delete, and Select, while the second one will make use of Entity Framework Core, a popular object relational mapping (ORM) framework for .NET Core to execute the same operations.

Step 2.1 Create a C# app that connects to SQL Server and executes queries

Change to your home directory. Create a new .NET Core project. This will create the project directory with a basic .NET Core Program.cs and csproj file.

You should already have a file called SqlServerSample.csproj in your .NET Core project located at: ~/SqlServerSample

Open this file in your favorite text editor and replace the contents with the code below to add System.Data.SqlClient to your project. Save and close the file.

You should already have a file called Program.cs in your .NET Core project located at: ~/SqlServerSample

Open this file in your favorite text editor and replace the contents with the code below. Don't forget to replace the username and password with your own. Save and close the file.

Change directories into the project folder and restore the dependencies in the csproj by running the following commands.

Now build and run.

Now replace the code in Program.cs by opening the file in your favorite text editor and copying and pasting the code below into the file. This will create a database and a table, and will insert, update, delete, and read a few rows. Don't forget to update the username and password with your own. Save and close the file.

Build and run your project.

You created your first C# + SQL Server app with .NET Core on Ubuntu! Check out the next section to create a C# app using an ORM!

Csharp Macros

Step 2.2 Create a C# app that connects to SQL Server using the Entity Framework Core ORM in .NET Core

Change to your home directory. Create a new .NET Core project. This will create the project directory with a basic .NET Core Program.cs and csproj file.

You should already have a file called SqlServerEFSample.csproj in your .NET Core project located at: ~/SqlServerEFSampleOpen this file in your favorite text editor and replace the contents with the code below to add Entity Framework Core to your project. Save and close the file.

Mac os x yosemite download iso for windows. For this sample, let's create two tables. The first will hold data about 'users'. Create a User.cs file in your .NET Core project located at: ~/SqlServerEFSample/User.cs

C Sharp Mac Os Recovery Tool

Copy and paste the code below into your newly created User.cs file. Save and close the file.

Let's create a second table to assign tasks to users. Create a Task.cs file in your .NET Core project located at: ~/SqlServerEFSample/Task.cs

Copy and paste the code below into your newly created Task.cs file. Save and close the file.

Let's also create a class for the Entity Framework Database context. Use your favorite text editor to create the file EFSampleContext.cs file in your .NET Core project located at: ~/SqlServerEFSample/EFSampleContext.cs

Descargar amule para mac. Copy and paste the code below into your newly created EFSampleContext.cs file. Save and close the file.

Replace the code in the Program.cs file in your .NET Core project located at: ~/SqlServerEFSample/Program.cs

Open this file in your favorite text editor and replace the contents with the code below. Don't forget to update the username and password with your own. Save and close the file.

Change directories into the project folder and restore the dependencies in the csproj by running the following commands.

Now build and run.

Congratulations! You just created two C# apps! Check out the next section to learn about how you can make your C# apps faster with SQL Server's Columnstore feature.

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